Project Assessment Services

Project Assessment with a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or “gaps” between current conditions and desired conditions or “wants”.

  • Assessment work is undertaken before program or project work begins; therefore, it is said to involve the project initiation phase.
  • Assessments aren’t included as part of the scoping stage of a project.
  • Recommend forming a team participating with different stakeholders and representatives to conduct a gap analysis as a starting point.
  • Formal and thorough require assessment if have the resources and time.
  • Perform a “Gap” Analysis
    Compare the performance of your organization/people against the existing and target situation.
  • Form Team and Priorities & Importance.
  • Prioritize those needs in view of their importance to your organizational goals, realities, and constraints.
  • Integrate Prioritized Needs to Develop Business Case.

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